We just put the formula for exponential growth into Motion. 2.718 has been acquired by The Motion Agency.

We just put the formula for exponential growth into Motion. 2.718 has been acquired by The Motion Agency.

We just put the formula for exponential growth into Motion. 2.718 has been acquired by The Motion Agency.

We just put the formula for exponential growth into Motion. 2.718 has been acquired by The Motion Agency.


Thousands of media hits. Millions of potential readers.

Rabobank logo

Rabobank is a global financial leader in the food and agriculture industries. Their analyst, advisory, and M&A teams in North America author a steady stream of reports with unmatched industry insights.

But without a plan for high-level media outreach, placements were often random, if they happened at all. That’s where 2.718 Marketing came in.


200 million+ gross impressions in 6 months

against the C-suite and business influencer audience

15,000+ media hits

15,000+ media hits

7,000+ expert quotes

In just six months, Rabobank saw over 200 million impressions from their target C-suite audience.


We designed and executed an aggressive media outreach strategy, placing Rabobank’s experts (and their expertise) in the publications where they would make the greatest impact. For social media, an amped-up engagement strategy grew follower numbers and interaction with clients, prospects, and key influencers.


Our integrated media relations strategy helped Rabobank:

  • Target top-tier business media outlets
  • Build long-term relationships with key food and ag trade publications
  • “Newsjack” by staying on top of industry trends and offering commentary from bank experts

Over the first two and a half years working with 2.718 Marketing, Rabobank’s media presence exploded: between direct placements and organic earned growth, they got 15,320 media hits, including 7,097 hits identifying a Rabobank expert by name.


Our amped-up engagement strategy enabled them to:

  • Grow their social media audiences through targeted content on Twitter and LinkedIn
  • Increase interactions with clients and prospects
  • Connect with other key influencers in the industry

In just six months, Rabobank saw over 200 million impressions from their target C-suite audience.


Strategic media exposure has made Rabobank the go-to experts in for food and agribusiness insights, with calls coming from Bloomberg Business, the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, and many more. In the last full year, their name reached a global F&A sector audience that included thousands of the most influential experts in the industry.


Email us, or call Liz Brohan at 312.661.1050.